The PBN Company is the preeminent strategic communications firm specializing in the emerging markets in which we operate.
We have more communications professionals specializing in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the other CIS countries than any other agency in the world.
The PBN Company works with Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and CIS companies to expand their domestic market share and to build their businesses into global enterprises. And, we help Western clients design and implement strategies to maximize their investments and minimize their risks in the region. The PBN Company provides high-value, senior-level corporate and crisis communications, government relations and financial communications and investor relations services to both private- and public-sector clients. The PBN Company is part of the WPP global network of companies.
The PBN Company is the leading international strategic communications firm specializing in Russia, Ukraine, other CIS countries and the Baltic States. We help Western clients design and implement strategies to maximize their investments in the region. And, we work with Russian, CIS and Baltic companies to expand their domestic marketshare and build their businesses into global enterprises. In the United States, Europe and the CIS, The PBN Company also works with companies, industries and business associations to advance their public policy objectives at the federal, regional and local levels.
Established in 1983, The PBN Company provides our private- and public-sector clients with high-value, senior-level corporate communications, reputation management and strategic communications services in domestic, regional and international markets. The Firm has three global practice areas: Corporate and Crisis Communications, Government Relations and Public Affairs, and Financial Communications and Investor Relations. The PBN Company and WPP Group are strategic partners since 2007. WPP is one of the world's largest communications services groups with offices in 106 countries.
Представитель организации:
Peter Necarsulmer
Адрес: 127006, Москва, Успенский переулок, дом 3, строение 4
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