We are Scotland's main economic, enterprise, innovation and investment agency. Our ultimate goal is to stimulate sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy.
To achieve this we help ambitious and innovative businesses grow and become more successful. We also work with public and private sector partners to develop the business environment in Scotland. We deliver a range of dedicated support services locally, nationally and internationally. Our activities help businesses with the appetite and capacity to grow to:
• improve efficiencies;
• access new sources of funding; and
• conquer new markets.
To build a world-class economy, we’re interested in industries that have real competitive advantage in Scotland, particularly:
• energy,
• life sciences,
• tourism,
• financial services,
• food and drink, and
• digital markets and enabling technologies.
We work in partnership with universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals and to maximise our contribution to the Government’s Economic Strategy. We are mainly funded by the Scottish Government, although we also raise part of our budget from other sources, such as property rental and disposal of assets.
Our remit is to support growth among Scotland’s most ambitious companies and help improve the business environment they operate in. But is it right to talk about growth in the current economic climate? Scotland is home to a group of ambitious industry sectors with unique global strengths and competitive advantage. We know that despite challenging conditions many companies operating in these sectors still see prospects for their businesses to grow. They know they may need to adapt their plans, apply some creative thinking or expand their market focus. Where these companies show a determination to succeed, we will be ready and able to help them achieve that ambition. And for companies who may find it difficult to see a way through the current conditions, we are committed to providing direct support and guidance to help them reduce costs and increase efficiencies as well as encouraging them to identify new opportunities for their business through diversifying or targeting new markets overseas.
Представитель организации:
Юрий Андреев
Адрес: 117049, Москва, улица Коровий Вал, дом 71, Офис 13Б
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