Any description of "who we are" starts with our clients.
Their confidence in and partnership with us inspires them to return to us and recommend us time and time again. We are grateful for their loyalty and continue with our commitment to find the leaders that ensure their success. The Boyden difference is our identification as a "global community." Our worldwide network - more than 70 offices in over 40 countries - is staffed by those with an intimate understanding of the nuances of their particular markets. These Boyden professionals know the economic, political and cultural realities of their countries, with the added perspective of Boyden’s global reach and knowledge.
Our approach to conducting searches is unified throughout our organization. And the added resources that come with our proprietary access to local knowledge enhance it. From large multinationals to local firms, our Board, CEO and C-level clients understand the Boyden difference and depend on it to help them succeed.
Boyden continues to be a leader in the executive search industry. Through the ever-expanding use of cutting-edge technology, while always adhering to strict ethical standards, we remain true to our rich heritage as the founders of retained executive search. We cover the globe with over 70 offices in more than 40 countries, led by resident professionals adept at working in a global economy. This way, we are poised to help our clients find the people who will lead them today and into the future. In addition to retained executive search, Boyden works with clients seeking advice regarding their Boards. We also work with a number of our clients to assist with interim management recruiting when appropriate.
Boyden continues to lead by working with companies to meet their talent and executive needs. We conduct searches by practice area and functional expertise. In addition to retained executive search, Boyden provides assistance to clients seeking board services, succession planning and consulting services, and interim management recruiting and middle management advertised search.
At Boyden we recognized early on the importance of a global presence. As we’ve grown to more than 70 offices in over 40 countries, we established uniform processes developed with a global presence behind us make it easier for clients to do business with Boyden. The result is a consistency of style that still allows for flexibility in meeting the unique needs of our clients. Whether global, regional or local, our standardized approach ensures we meet and exceed our clients’ objectives.
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Наталья Дьяченко
Адрес в Москве:
Россия, 119121, Москва, Ростовский переулок, дом 4, корпус 2
Адрес в Санкт-Петербурге:
Россия, 190000, Санкт-Петербург, улица Малая Морская, дом 23
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+7 812 325 85 73
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