Created in 2001, the Invest in France Agency (IFA) is a public-private body (établissement public national à caractère industriel et commercial – EPIC), which reports to the French Finance Minister and the Minister responsible for Regional Development.
The IFA is responsible for promoting, prospecting and facilitating international investment in France, and for the economic attractiveness and image of the country. The IFA network operates on an international, national and regional basis. The agency works in close partnership with regional development agencies to offer international investors outstanding business opportunities and customized services.
The Chairman and CEO of the IFA is France’s Ambassador for International Investment. The IFA employs 160 people, split between its headquarters in Paris and 26 offices throughout the world.
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Suite 3000
New York, NY 10019Tel: +1 212 757 93 40
Fax +1 212 245 1568
Ул. Большая Якиманка, д. 45Suite 3000
New York, NY 10019Tel: +1 212 757 93 40
Fax +1 212 245 1568
119049 Россия, Москва
Тел.: +7 (495) 937 24 36
Факс: +7 (495) 937 24 01